Getting pregnant
Pregnancy beginning
Pregnancy monitoring
Special cases
Post-partum immédiat
Post natal consultation
Rhesus negative
If your blood type is Rh-negative – like 15% of French people – your body may develop antibodies to an Rh-positive baby. This is called foeto-maternal alloimmunization. This may not be risky for the current pregnancy but can present some risks for future pregnancies.
Identified risks are moderate anemia and destruction of red blood cells of your baby. This anemia can become sever enough to cause serious illness, brain damage or even death of the fetus or newborn.
For Rh-negative women a Rh immunoglobulin D Vitamin solution will be injected at the end of 2nd trimester (between 26 and 28 weeks of gestation).
At the childbirth, blood of the baby will be analyzed in order to know its group and type. If the baby is Rh-positive, a gamma-globulin anti-D solution will be injected to you. This gamma-globulin shot is issued from human blood, coming from selected donors and all security requirements are taken by the supplier.
Last update: 10/2/2013