Maternity / paternity leave

Maternity leave period

Maternity leave includes antenatal leave (before the presumed childbirth date) and a post-natal period. Its time depends on the number of expected baby and the children in charge.

Pathological leave of 2 weeks can be added during antenatal leave depending of your health.

The post-natal period begins the day of the administrative term. If childbirth is before this date, you will benefit the remaining days.

Pregnancy type Total maternity leave
Antenatal period
Post-natal period
1st or 2nd child 16 6 10
3rd child 26 8 18
Twin pregnancy 34 12 22
Triplets or more 46 24 22

Paternity leave period

Paternity leave is 11 days long for 1 child, and 18 days in case of multiple childbirth.

Paternity leave has to begin within the 4 months after the childbirth, in addition to the 3 days given by your employer for any birth.
Paternity leave can be taken further to those 3 days, or distantly, but in any case within the 4 months after the birth.

Paternity leave is open for everyone, whatever:
- His seniority
- His contract of employment
- His family situation
- Place of birth or residence of his child (France or abroad)
- Even if the child is not dependent of him.

The Labor Code states the legal time of paternity leave. Additional collective agreements may offer more favorable provisions.

Last update: 10/2/2013